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Setting up a zap where I receive a facebook lead and then an automated SMS is sent through ring central. I was able to pull in data for the lead but didn’t want to test texting the so i tried the dummy data but when trying to publish I receive the error message:


Cannot publish Zap

Cannot unpause a Node that is of type transfer.

Hi @tfish 

Good question.

We’d need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the encountered error in order to have enough context, thanks.


I edited photos for privacy information but they are filled out.

Hi @tfish 

You may refer to this help article about Zap that can’t be published:

Hopefully it helps!


Try using the FB Lead Ads testing tool to test the lead ad form:

Then change the Zap trigger test data:

@Troy Tessalone I have successfully used myself as a lead from beginning to end of the process but I still receive that error and can not publish the zap. I am on a professional free trial testing the paid services, is that an issue?


Yes, you need to be on a Zapier paid plan to use FB Lead Ads in a Zap that is ON.