Hey all,
I’ve created a Zap between Paypal & Google Sheets, the goal is to add customer data to a sheet when there’s a successful sale of a certain product, in this case a recurring membership.
I’ve done this many times in the past for one-time payments (for digital products, software, etc) with no issues in other existing Zaps.
But in this case, the Zapier filter isn’t able to "see” the transactions for the recurring product when we run test sales, etc.
For the filter rules, I’ve selected every variant of the “Item name” field, as well as the “Transaction subject” field, and obviously set the conditions to “OR”, so it only needs to find a single instance of the product name across all those fields.
It’s still not firing.
Is there a special way to do this for paypal subscription plans?
Are subscriptions not part of the “Successful Sale” trigger for Paypal?
Or is this maybe a problem on the paypal side of the equation.
Just wondering what I’m missing here…
~ Canuck
PS. And yes the Zapier IPN url is all setup and working in paypal, I can create test transactions.