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Can't get any test data from Method CRM - Error while getting needs: Authentication matching query does not exist

  • 17 May 2024
  • 6 replies

  1. MethodCRM 
  2. Event: new activity
  3. Choose one of the 12 accounts.  Not sure why there are 12 accounts but I hooked up to the one that had 8 zaps already connected to it
  4. No test data from any event. 
  5. Connections between MethodCRM and my zaps about 5 to 7 years old. 
  6. Other methodCRM zaps work fine.
  7. Any ideas?
  8. Thanks, John

6 replies


Now getting error messages


Error code: Error while getting needs: Authentication matching query does not exist.


Created a activity though the stock screen create activty and now its working

My button that I created that creates a activity shows in the activity table but it still wont show in zapier. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there @JohnnyGreen101! 👋

Created a activity though the stock screen create activty and now its working

Does this mean that the “Error while getting needs: Authentication matching query does not exist.” error you were seeing previously is now gone? If so, did you reconnect the your Method CRM account to get it working or did the error disappear after you added a new activity? 

My button that I created that creates a activity shows in the activity table but it still wont show in zapier. 

If the previously error is now resolved, is it that you’re not able to pull in a recent test record for the activity you just created?

Can you tell us a bit more about the button that creates the activity? For example is it a button in a Zapier Table that triggers a Zap that creates the activity, or is the button within Method CRM itself? 

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!


In MethodCRM I can create desktop screens and use their older version for mobile screens.  Method has since upgraded the mobile screens but at this time I am still using their older mobile screens to create.  In order to create a older Method screen for the mobile you have to click on a check mark called “Utilize for mobile”  It makes the buttons bigger for the user to press while using any browser on a mobile devise.   The new version does not have this check mark. 

All these screens and buttons are on the MethodCRM. 

The screen and button I created is on the older mobile screen. This screen I designed for a phone web browser.  When pressing that button it creates a new activity but it does not trigger the zap. That phone is using chrome 124.0.636.179

Now if I take that same screen and button and make that on a desktop version of chrome, the button creates the new activity and a zap triggers.    

I am wondering if there is somthing that Zapier is looking for in that new activity to trigger it?  Or could be chrome brower on the phone.  

Works on desktop but not on the phone.  At this point I put a hold on this project but will come back to it so no hurry on your part.  Thanks!




Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying that @JohnnyGreen101.

I’ve just been doing some digging into the Method CRM integration on this end but couldn’t find any bugs or feature requests relating to new activities that are created via buttons on mobile screens specifically. Are you able to test whether an activity created from a button on their upgraded mobile screen successfully triggers a Zap? I wonder if there may have made some updates to their API that are causing activities created via older versions of mobile screens to not work as expected.

If it doesn’t it trigger the Zap either, then it could be that the Method CRM app isn’t able to trigger for any activities created by mobile screens. In either case I think it would be best if you get in touch with our Support team so they can investigate further and flag this to the Method CRM app’s developers. They’ll be able to review the logs for the Zap to determine whether those types of activity aren’t triggering the Zap due to a bug, or whether a feature request needs to be created to add support for them. 

Sorry to not have a more immediate solution to suggest, but please do keep us in the loop on how you get on with them. Keen to ensure this gets sorted! 🙂
