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I’ve been trying to set a simple Zap so that when I update a label in for a contact it pushes that contact to a CRM, but I’ve been unable to get Buzz to correctly update on their end so that my Zap triggers.

The automation is super simple, and set up as so:

As soon as a certain label is created for the contact that says push to CRM the contact’s information should be pulled and sent to it via an email automation that is already working with other sources.

However, I’ve tried multiple times and Zappier is unable to pull the data from the labeled contact.

Any help I can get is greatly appreciated.

Hi @HopeBespoke 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Hi @HopeBespoke 👋

Is it Buzz’s Add Label trigger that isn’t triggering? 

Asking and did some digging and found a similar report of this behaviour with that trigger, that was solved by choosing which label needed to trigger the zap from within Buzz. Apparently the highlighted label within the settings in Buzz is the one that will trigger the zap. Can you take a look a the settings in Buzz here: and see if there’s an option to select a specific label? 

Keen to ensure this gets sorted so please keep us updated on how you get on!
