I am trying to zap data from a Google spreadsheet to Bloomerang. I’m using “Find Constituent in Bloomerang” Action. Everything looks fine, but it’s only adding data for NEW constituents. If a constutuent is already in Bloomerang their profile is not updating with info from the Google sheet.
The most important field is just a checkbox field….
Let me know if anyone has ideas. THANK YOU
Best answer by SamB
Hi there @imperishablecrown! 👋
Search action steps, like the Find Constituent action, will usually return a boolean field called _zap_search_was_found_status. That field will contain a boolean value of “true” when it finds an existing item, and “false” if it doesn’t. With the Create Bloomerang Constituent if it doesn’t exist yet? option enabled, the field would instead be named _zap_data_was_found.
So rather than checking the last name field in the filter, you’d want to set it up to check whether the _zap_data_was_foundfield is (Boolean) Is true.
For example:
That would indicate that an existing constituent was found and allow the subsequent Update Constituent action to be run.
Can you try adjusting the filter as suggested and let us know whether that does the trick?
It sounds like you need to add an Update Constituent step after the find step. The Find step you have is only looking for a current constituent and creates them if they aren’t found. You will need the Update step for when they are found.
I would also recommend putting in a Zapier Filter step that will only continue to the update if the Zap search was True from your Find step.
Thank you!! This makes sense, but I cannot get it to work. Where it the option for the filter to update if it is “true” right now I just have it looking to see if the last name field is filled and if it is, then to continue?
Sorry I’m really new at this and don’t know what I’m doing
Search action steps, like the Find Constituent action, will usually return a boolean field called _zap_search_was_found_status. That field will contain a boolean value of “true” when it finds an existing item, and “false” if it doesn’t. With the Create Bloomerang Constituent if it doesn’t exist yet? option enabled, the field would instead be named _zap_data_was_found.
So rather than checking the last name field in the filter, you’d want to set it up to check whether the _zap_data_was_foundfield is (Boolean) Is true.
For example:
That would indicate that an existing constituent was found and allow the subsequent Update Constituent action to be run.
Can you try adjusting the filter as suggested and let us know whether that does the trick?