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I have created a Zap to automatically upload Zoom cloud recordings to my Google Drive.

The Zoom integration is working fine, but in the Google Drive action, where I set "Upload File", I selected the video file download URL and added the extension .mp4. However, the uploaded file is empty, showing only 14KB of storage space.
Can anyone anyone help me with that?


Hi ​@Abhinav aggarwal 

The mapped variable for the File field indicates Files (PLURAL indicating the possibility of 1+ files).

If there are 1+ video file download URLs, then that would not be a valid single video file download URL.

You may need to do looping to handle multiple links.

Zap action: Looping (


Hello there, ​@Abhinav aggarwal 👋

Did that Looping action Troy suggested help to get the files uploaded correctly?

Let us know if you got stuck in setting that up or have any questions—we’d be happy to help further! 🙂

Hi ​@Troy Tessalone. We are experiencing the same issue with uploading a Zoom recording. I've tried looping through the line items, but it keeps resulting in a file that's only 15 kb and not looking like an .mp4-file. 

Do you have any ideas on how to process these files? 

I've tried (with and without looping): 

  • Video Files Download URL
  • Recording Files Download URL

I've put in some screen prints below from the Zap. Please let me know if anything else is needed. 

Kind regards, Agnes 

Result in Google Drive

The Zap Google Drive-step: 

Data in: 

Data in

Data out: 

part 1
part 2

Then info about the owner/user, followed by the hydrated file name: 

part 3


Hi ​@Shelley B. 

Check if the URL form Zoom is publicly accessible in order for the GDrive Zap step to access it for upload.

You can check/test by copy/pasting the URL into a new private browser.

If the download of the file starts immediately then it is a public file.

If you are redirected to a login page or some other page, then the file is not publicly accessible.


I found a workaround that might help you guys. I faced the same issue, but ​​ ​@Troy Tessalone pointed me in the right direction when he mentioned “files.” If your setup is configured to record multiple views separately, the “Video Files Download URL” will contain two or more URLs. This is why a small file with no video is being uploaded to Google Drive.


To resolve this, you have two options:

1. Adjust your Zoom recording settings to record only one file.

2. (This is what I did) Use a “Text Formatter” step in Zapier to extract the specific URL you need. The output will show the number of URLs available. From there, you can decide which URL(s) to send to Google Drive—or send both, if needed.
3. If the latter does not work, you can go with a Code by Zapier- Run JavaScript to return the first URL

const links = (inputDatan'inputData.links'] || '').split(',');

// Prepare the output as an object with the first URL
output = { firstUrl: => link.trim()).filter(link => link)i0] };



This is awesome ​@Juan! Thank you for sharing the workaround here! This will be helpful to our Community members who encounters the same issue.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
