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I’m trying to send pre-filled documents in Docusign using a Google Sheets trigger. I am able to send the envelopes to the customers, but no matter how I set up the zap the text fields will not auto-fill (other than the recipient’s name and email).


I’ve already changed the settings on Docusign to allow users to download form data. This is required to export information in the custom fields in Docusign out of the signature template.


I’ve also added an image of the test from Zapier. Any of the custom fields that contain ::false:: do no auto-fill. Is there a way to fix this?


Hi @Maddie Webb 

Are the DocuSign field templates assigned to the proper role for the recipient/signer?

Hi Troy,

The fields are assigned to the signer currently, and there is only one role (signer) on our documents. I tried also switching the fields to read-only (essentially assigning the field to the sender) to see if that would make a difference, but the fields still did not auto-fill.

@Maddie Webb 

Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode?

Can you post screenshots with how one of your impacted fields is configured in the DocuSign template?


Help article about creating data labels on the DocuSign template:

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Trigger step: Docusign

Event: Send Envelop Using Template

Account: (my account)

Action: (see attached screenshots)



Here is a screenshot that includes the data label for the test template I’m using in Docusign:


Hi @Maddie Webb 👋

That’s very strange. When setting up the role for the template in Docusign if all the custom tabs are left blank then the recipient inputs should then be correctly populated with the relevant values selected in the Zap.

Are they set to be required fields? If so, can you try unselecting the “Required field” option in Docusign and see if that sorts it? Suggesting that as there was a similar thread in Community where that was reported to help fix things:


Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

Thanks for checking on this - I changed the fields so they were no longer required, but I am still having the same issue. Maybe I need to submit an enhancement request to Zapier?

@Maddie Webb 

Have you tried testing live with the Zap turned ON?

When you test the step, DocuSign returns an envelope ID.

You can use that DocuSign Envelope ID to find the created Envelope in DocuSign.


Can you post screenshots of a matching test in Zapier with the created Envelope in DocuSign?




“This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.”

Hi, here are some screenshots of the live test. In the Docusign view, I see that it appears to have added a second signer, or assigned the recipient twice. I think this is likely the real issue given the help article that @SamB posted about multiple signers. I don’t see anywhere in the Zap where I can resolve this issue, though. I also can’t delete the role of signer on the Docusign side, since a template cannot exist without a role assigned to it. 


@Maddie Webb

Try using the Pre-fill Tools field type instead of the Standard Fields types.

Pre-fill Tools are not assigned to a Role.



I added a few pre-filled values to the test document and created unique data labels for them. These fields will not appear in Zapier as an option to fill-in.

@Maddie Webb 

In the DocuSign Zap step, did you try clicking the Refresh Fields] button?

I did, I also disconnected and reconnected the template, and manually sent a version of the template out before trying to refresh the fields again to see if that would help Zapier capture that updated data.

@Maddie Webb 

Not sure what else to suggest.

I’ve yet to encounter this DocuSign Zap step config issue with my clients.

Perhaps try using a different esign app?

Thanks for looking into this issue - I’ve submitted a support ticket to see if they can help resolve the issue. We have a Docusign enterprise plan and do not have any plans to switch our e-signature platform for the moment. I appreciate the support!

Sorry it didn’t work as hoped, @Maddie Webb.

I’ve just checked on the Support ticket you opened and can see they opened up a new bug report for this issue. We’ll use this thread to help keep track of folks in Community being affected by that same issue. While we can’t provide any sort of estimate as to when it will be resolved by, as you’ve been added to the bug report it will ensure that you get an email notification once it’s fixed. And we’ll be sure to follow up in the thread here to share any updates and workarounds we have in the meantime. 

For anyone that running into this issue and comes across this post please let us know in the comments below and we’ll get you added to the bug report as well. 

Please add to bug report

Thanks for reaching out here @cmichael. You’ve been added to the bug report so we’ll definitely be in touch as soon as it’s resolved. 

Hello has there been an update on this bug? It’s been over a month and Docusign is an incredibly popular app, not sure why this hasn’t been resolved yet or priotized. 

Hi @user12345,

I’ve just checked on the bug report and there aren’t any updates on it’s status at the moment. We can’t make any promises around when it will sorted but, we’ve added you to the list of folks being affected by this which does help to increase it’s priority level and ensure you get an email notification once it’s resolved. 

I’ve also checked the internal details for the Docusign app on Zapier and it’s not managed by our own developers so it may be worth reaching out to Docusign’s support team directly about this. Their developers have access to the bug report details (Issue no: #106) in the shared tracking tool we have but sometimes hearing from customers directly can help to speed things along!

Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here, we’ll be sure to share any updates or workarounds we come across here in this thread in the meantime.

Hey folks,

Just circling back in here to share that the issue where mapped custom fields weren't populating in the created envelope when using the Send Envelope Using Template action has been resolved! 😁🎉

There’s no action you need to take to get things working again but, if you continue to experience any issues please do reach back out to us in the Community or get in touch with Support directly to let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️