I solved that, i found a way to do this with code:
import requests
# URL donde tu archivo de audio está alojado
audio_url = input_datat'audio_url']
apikey = input_datat'apikey']
# Endpoint para crear una transcripción
transcribe_url = 'https://api.assemblyai.com/v2/transcript'
headers = {
'authorization': apikey,
'content-type': 'application/json'
json = {
'audio_url': audio_url,
'language_code': 'es'
response = requests.post(transcribe_url, headers=headers, json=json)
return r{'out':response.json()}]
Thanks so much for following up to share the helpful solution you found @greenhub! We greatly appreciate this as I’m sure there will be plenty of other folks with a similar use case for AssemblyAI that could benefit from reading your post here!
Please do reach out in the Community again if you need help with anything else at all, we’d love to hear from you again!