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Hi everyone.


I’m trying to track Asana tasks and their status in a Google Sheets document. I have set up two Zaps: The first Zap will create a new row in Google Sheets once a task in Asana has been created, the second Zap will update the row in Google Sheets (via Lookup spreadsheet rows) when there are changes to the Asana task. Setting up the Zaps has been successful and the first Zap (creating the new row in Google Sheets for a new Asana task ) works just fine, but the second Zap (data transfer from Asana to Google Sheets) has been very unreliable - most of the fields of the Asana tasks (including native Asana fields such as Due Date as well as custom fields with text, numbers or dates) will not be transferred and the respective cell in Google Sheets will be empty. This doesn’t apply to all fields as some are transferred successfully, so I’m assuming the Lookup Row functions is working. The Zaps are run successfully but I receive a ‘fields no value’ message for the fields that end up empty.


Any ideas as to what causes the unreliability and how to fix it?



Hi @wimac4, welcome to the Community!

Hmm, this could be caused by different things so we’ll need to dig a bit more to see if we can figure it out. 

First, go to your Zap history and click into a Zap run for the Zap. For the update row step, take a look at the Data in and Data out - what can you see for the fields that aren’t coming through? Could you share a screenshot of them if you need some help interpreting them? Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc).

Also, is the Zap always missing the same fields every time the Zap runs or are some Zap runs successfully sending all of the information?
