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We setup a zap so that when a new project is added to Asana it will create a Notebook now we want to set it so that when a new task is added to a Project it will write the task to the coresponding Notebook. Are we going to need to set up a Custom expression?

Hi @BBG-J 

Good question.

There is no Zap action for: Evernote - Find Notebook

So you may need to create a lookup table to store the Notebook IDs for future reference such as in another Asana Project.

Hi @Troy Tessalone

It has the option to pick a specific project name then right the new task for that Project to the Notebook but that is to a specified notebook. We need to it to find the notebook name that was created with the previous Zap is ti possible to do that with the Lookup table you mentioned? would it be something like:

New project added to Asana → create new Notebook in Evernote → add Evernote Notebook I.D to Lookup table in Asana → New Task added to Project in Asana → add task as note in Notebook in Everenote with Notebook I.D?

Thanks for the info so far


These would be separate Zaps

  1. New project added to Asana
  2. Create new Notebook in Evernote
  3. add Evernote Notebook I.D to Lookup table in Asana


  1. New Task added to Project in Asana
  2. Find Asana Task that has the Evernote Notebook Name to get the Evernote Notebook ID
  3. Add task as note in Notebook in Everenote with Notebook I.D

Thank you @Troy Tessalone 

I thought that is what you meant I just didn’t seperate the zaps but this should work.
