
Asana custom fields not showing in "Insert Data" section when trying to map in Google Sheet columns

  • 27 August 2023
  • 6 replies



I’m trying to create a zap where when a new Asana task is inputed in a particular section it will be added to a Google Sheet tab. We have quite a few custom fields in Asana but when I try to search for them in the Google Sheets action, it only shows things like “Data Custom Fields Enum Value Name”, “Data Custom Fields Display Value”, etc.

Is it typical for Zapier not having the ability to identify/pull the exact custom field?


I don’t think I’ll be able to share images as the data is confidential but happy to provide more context.

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @camcooper 

Good question.

I believe the Asana Custom Fields get treated as an array of objects.

e.g. “Data Custom Fields Display Value” would contain all the Display Values for the Custom Fields.

Usually that means Formatter or Code steps have to be used to isolate the desired custom field value.

Hi @Troy Tessalone thank you for the info! Let’s say a field name was something like Item_ID if i used Formatter to parse that field name an inputed to a particular column, would Zapier know to pull anything under that field name since the Formatter really only parsed out the text?

Userlevel 7
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You have to essentially combine 2 arrays Item ID and Item Value to create a new variable for Item ID which has a value to then map into the following Zap steps.


e.g. Custom Field arrays as pre-parsed by Zapier.

Label: A,B,C

Value: 1,2,3


If you wanted Label A that has a value of 1.

Then logic needs to be applied to create a new variable called A that has a value of 1.

@Troy Tessalone sorry for the delay on this! Is there any example Zaps you may be able to share that could help get me started with the configurations?

Userlevel 7
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This can be done with a Code step which is an advanced approach.

Hi @camcooper Did you figure out a workaround for this?
