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"Argument Invalid" Error, Adding row in Excel from data in Arive

  • 11 November 2022
  • 2 replies

I’m receiving the following error when taking data from Arive (invite only) and adding a row to a workbook in Microsoft Excel.

I have formatted all data from source to the matching format of the workbook. I still receive this error/copied straight from the zap.


Failed to create an add row in Microsoft Excel

The app returned "The argument is invalid or missing or has an incorrect format.".

See if this helps

Hi @korinnethelender!

Were you able to find the solution in the site that @subhash linked to? If not we can absolutely keep troubleshooting here. 

If you’re still having trouble with that error, please could you share a screenshot of the Excel action in your Zap, showing what’s in the fields? Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc).
