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Appends text to GDoc when GSheet updated - "File not found" error

  • March 24, 2022
  • 1 reply

I am trying to create a zap that appends text to a google doc when a row in google sheets is updated. The zap tends not to work, and when I go into it to edit and test, I receive the error “The app returned "File not found: 11IBEOJvVFBvIz4v5hNXnI5TBJskLSkOZKGGSn6H8Iu0"”. I’ve tried fixing this by creating a new document and selecting that one in the action field, but it eventually goes back to the aforementioned error. 

What I think may be affecting this is that both the sheet and the doc are contained in a shared drive, but I’m not sure if there may be another reason. 

Please advise if there are any suggested solutions or hints at what may be causing this. Based on some prior research, I believe that I may not be the first to experience this issue. 

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1 reply

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Ashley Turney 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the error for us to have more context, thanks.