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I am trying to add an active URL to a Google Doc after creating the document from a template in a previous step. I understand that I cannot do it within the template step but everything I read says that I should be able to append one, and have successfully done so with a seperate test zap but it will not append to the file I have selected, the file does show the entire file has been updated every time I run the test, but no clear changes. On the test process it did remove all the formatting of the file, bullets points when the append was completed successfully. 

​​​​Formatting the url from markdown into HTML
Appending to the Google Doc

I have also tried the exact same html that worked in the test, as well as plain text within the Text to Append box to no success.

Hi @cherritt 

Did you refresh the GDoc after testing the Zap step?

Make sure you are checking the correct GDoc for the GDoc ID being used to test the Zap step.



@Troy Tessalone Thanks for the reply Troy, unfortunately yes, refreshing the doc showed the same outcome, as I mentioned the document does recognize that it has been edited each time I run the test but the edits don’t show any changes. 


This shows the version history where everything in teal was "edited” but no appended content at the end, or anywhere.



Can you post screenshots from your live Zap Runs history showing the DATA IN/OUT for the GDoc step?

That way we can see the GDoc ID being used as well as what data was supposed to be appended along with the response for the Zap step.

Then provide the link to the GDoc that was used.

Data in
Data Out

Final File to be Appended to slightly edited for “security”


In the screenshots, the File ID for the DATA IN is different from the File ID in the DATA OUT.


Did you try testing again more recently? (Last test was 16 hours ago according to the screenshot.)


Did you try turning the Zap ON and testing live?

Then check the Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot.





