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I have my first Alexa and I’m trying to automate some basic tasks with Zapier.

I’ve set up a zap which works when tested from my desktop but when I try to use Alexa she does not recognise the trigger phrase and keeps suggesting I change it. I’ve changed it a few times and tried again but keep getting the same result.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this?


Hi @lfidd 

Amazon Alexa Zap help articles to reference:

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

I did find this article and tried to resolve the problem using the suggestions but unfortunately I still can’t figure it out! I’ll try some other trigger phrases and see if she can understand them….


Did you review related topics?


I’ve managed to progress thing a bit further and she is now recognising my trigger phrase and asking the additional prompt question. When I give my answer she always responds “Oops, sorry, I ran into a problem. Please try again later.”

What is causing this?


I’ve managed to progress thing a bit further and she is now recognising my trigger phrase and asking the additional prompt question. When I give my answer she always responds “Oops, sorry, I ran into a problem. Please try again later.”


@Troy Tessalone - any ideas what’s causing this? It’s happening with all of the zaps I’ve set up….


Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured to give us true context?


@Troy Tessalone - is this helpful?


Check this: Requires the Zapier skill on an Alexa enabled device.


Try adding multiple trigger phrases.

You can provide multiple phrases, 3-6 words each, and saying any one of them will trigger your Zap.
Keep each phrase simple so Alexa understands it easily.


@Troy Tessalone 


The issue isn’t recognising the trigger phrase now - she’ understanding it and asking the additional prompt question “What should it say?”. When I give her the content she responds with “oops, sorry, I ran into a problem. Please try again later”. Is there anything that is causing this?

Is how I’ve set up the Zap correct?


The Zap steps seem to be configured correctly.

Try turning the Zap ON and testing live.

Then check your Zap Runs history for activity/issues.


If the issue persists, try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:
