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I’m working on creating an integration that would let me upload an Airtable attachment to a specific google drivefolder based on an response from the Airtable form.

For example, if someone says they’re from Arizona and I want to upload their attachment to a google drive folder that’s just for Arizona.

Right now, I have it set up so that Zapier matches the state from the Airtable response with a google sheet that matches the state with its corresponding google drive link link. This part works but Zapier doesn’t recognize the google drive folder link as the destination folder for the attachment. 

Perhaps I’m not setting this up in the right way, so would love any assistance on how to correctly set this up or if it is possible for Zapier to recognize a link as the correct destination for attachment.

Thank you for your assistance.

Hey @mcordeiro,

It looks like you raised this question with our Support Team, and one of our Support Specialist answered your question via email.

You're on the right track here - we just want to use only the Folder ID and not the entire link.
So basically - the ID that is at the end of the Folder Link.
That ID is what we want to put in as the Folder in Step 3.

It's easiest if you can just add (or update) the column on the Sheet so there is a column with just the ID and not the full Folder URL.

But we can also use a Formatter > Text > Split Text action to isolate that ID as well - if you prefer to keep the Full URL in the Sheet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to continue the conversation with our Support Team via email.

Thanks! 😊

Hi @mcordeiro 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.