
ActiveCampaign error: Required field 'Contact ID' (contact_id) is missing

  • 29 November 2023
  • 15 replies

"Failed to create a contact tag in ActiveCampaign. Required field 'Contact ID' (contact_id) is missing" How can I fix this to move to the next step. Please help

15 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @iqdesign 

Good question.

Try this Zap action: ActiveCampaign - Create/Update Contact


Where can I find that zap action?


I found that

Failed to create a contact in ActiveCampaign

The app returned "Contact id or email is required. (422)".

now I have this error


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You need to map a variable from the Zap trigger step.



when someone subscribes to the grow form I want them to get the tag “grow subscriber” and have them be added to my AC master list. 

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Failed to create a contact in ActiveCampaign

The app returned "Contact id or email is required. (422)"

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong here please? When a person subscribes to Grow I want them tagged Grow Subscriber and added to my AC master list


When a person subscribes to Grow I want them added to the master list and tagged Grow Subscriber

I somehow got it to work

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Make sure to read the field descriptions. (e.g. more)

You should NOT set a value for the ID field if you have a value for the Email field set.


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I have this now. took out the ID field. Will this work? The test email was sent to active campain and I see it there

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


When in doubt, test it out.

Turn the Zap ON, test, then check your Zap Runs for activity/issues:
