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Access Denied to create file in salesforce

  • 28 September 2023
  • 3 replies

I am linking a form from ConvertCalculator to Salesforce using Zapier. In the form, users are asked to upload files, which I need to have attached to the object the Zap creates (A Case object in salesforce). 


When I test this step, I am able to set up the zap correctly, but found this error. Can someone advise on why this may be? I presume it might be the salesforce side - is there a way to grant this access that anyone else has found?


Thanks in advance!

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @BrendanHiggins 

Good question.

Have you reviewed the available help articles for using Salesforce in Zaps?

Hi Troy, 


Thanks for sharing - I have and there was no specific instruction I could find to troubleshoot this issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Salesforce has many settings and permissions that may need to be adjusted to address the error.

If you have a Salesforce Admin, then try working with them to adjust and test.