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I am testing an automation with CB insights. It will search for a company name (dynamic field) and return data.  However, for some reason when I test it, it doesn’t work.  It sends me a 404 error. I’ve checked the CB insights platform and know that that company name (exactly as spelled) is in the database so I don’t understand what is going wrong.

Hi @uopink 

For us to have context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode along with the encountered error.



The test always fails at step 2, so that’s why I haven’t worked on step 3 yet.


Post a screenshot of the error to give us context.



Things to check/try:

Try using a full URL with: http

Try changing this setting to Yes.



Troy, thank you for your advice, but sadly, neither changing it to “Yes” or using a full URL or doing both worked. 😌


Try reaching out to CB Insights Support for help troubleshooting their Zap app integration.
