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404 error message Zapier not able to synch Signupgenius with Google calendar

Signupgenius synch issues

I’ve been trying for >1h and Zapier won’t synch Signupgenius (SUG) with Google calendar. When Zapier asks me to log into SUG it opens a page with error and even when I sign in, doesn’t do anything. Earlier, I kept getting a 404 error.


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11 replies

Signupgenius synch issues

When I try to click on SignUpGenius as part of the process:

1. New Event in SignUpGenius


App & event

Account - it goes to the page below, so doesn’t even request that I log into my SUG account - SOS!

Signupgenius synch issues


  • Zapier Staff
  • 404 replies
  • April 24, 2023

Hi @Signupgenius synch issues 

Welcome to the Community! I'm sorry you’re having trouble with your Zap.

For clarification, you’re receiving that error message even though you have already logged in to your SignUpGenius account?

Signupgenius synch issues

Hi @Brem Thanks for your reply.


I try to create the 2nd step in Zapier, which asks me to select the Account:


1. New Event in SignUpGenius = trigger

  1. Account = Signupgenius

When I click on the “Sign In” button, a SUG window appears and then the error message displayed is: “

Oops, I guess we weren't so genius...

We’ve tried every formula but can’t conjure up the page you’re looking for. How about one of these instead?”

With the web address that I provided []

It doesn’t allow me to sign in. When I try to “sign in” on the SUG window that Zapier pulls up despite the error message indicated above, I’m able to log into my SUG account, but that isn’t transmitted to Zapier. 


Basically, I’m in a viscious loop with Zapier not capturing the login or not enabling the proper login.


Signupgenius synch issues

Hello @Brem any resolution of this Zapier error? Please advise. tks

  • Zapier Staff
  • 6510 replies
  • April 25, 2023

Hi there @Signupgenius synch issues,

I hope you're doing well! I’m jumping in to see if I can help.

It's possible that the error you're experiencing could be related to your browser or internet connection. To troubleshoot, have you tried authenticating your SignUpGenius account using an incognito browser?

If that doesn't work, you might also try using a different device or connecting to a different internet connection to see if the issue persists.

Give those suggestions a try and let us know if they help resolve the problem. We're here to help in any way we can!

Thanks! 😊

Signupgenius synch issues

Hi @ken.a 

Thanks for your reply. Not only did I try several different browsers but also all different incognito modes and nothing works.

Now, I just tried to create a zap with trigger event being when someone signs up for a slot in signup genius. I got this error in Zapier:

“We encountered a problem validating the step

AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404”


Would you please try to create a zap using for trigger signupgenius when someone signs up for a slot and see if it works on your end?


  • Zapier Staff
  • 6510 replies
  • April 27, 2023

Hi @Signupgenius synch issues,

Thanks for giving that a try.

I ran some tests and it looks like I didn't face any authentication errors while logging into my SignUpGenius account.

(view larger)

To troubleshoot your issue, would you mind creating a new account and trying to authenticate with it instead? If the problem persists, there may be a bug we need to look into. Just give me a heads up and I'll be happy to file a bug report on your behalf.

Thanks! 😊

Signupgenius synch issues

Hi @ken.a 

I created a new account in Zapier and still can’t authenticate. Now I get this error: “Failed to update Zap: No access to SignUpGeniusCLIAPI@1.5.0 authentication (39121715) in step 190777292.”

SOS please!

Signupgenius synch issues

Now it tells me that “

You did not enter a valid email and password.” in my signupgenius account when I did 1000% did! I’ve used Safari, cleared cache and have created a new Zapier account and stupid Zapier still won’t sign me in EVEN THOUGH my signupgenius password and email address are correct. SOOO FRUSTRATING. Would you mind please assisting? Tks

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 7657 replies
  • May 18, 2023

Hi @Signupgenius synch issues! 👋

I’m so sorry to hear that you’re still running into these errors, totally get how frustrating this must be! I’ve been doing some digging on this end and found that we’d had a similar “No access to SignUpGeniusCLIAPI” error reported for another user where the Deny button, instead of the Allow button was clicked when attempting to add the SignUpGenius account to Zapier. Do you think that could be the case here? 

When you say “I created a new account in Zapier” are you referring to a new app connection or did you make a new Zapier account? I think Ken was suggesting that you create a new user account for SignUpGenius and then attempt to connect to that SignUpGenius account instead. Could you give that a try if you’ve not done so already?

That said, as it’s now giving you a “You did not enter a valid email and password” error I think it might be worth changing the password in your SignUpGenius account. Then head over to the My Apps page on your Zapier account and attempt to connect to the SignUpGenius account with that new password there, rather than from the Zap directly. Hopefully that will help to sort it. 🤞

Please keep us in the loop on how you get on with this!
