I have a zap that is fires up every day at 00:00 and writes a record into a table. When the record is created, it also adds zap_meta_human_now: MM/DD/YY hh:mmAM/PM into a column named todaysdate.
I am on GMT timezone as per defaults.
When I tested this it ran fine and it was able to push the right information into the field, but when it ran on its own this morning, it added yesterday's date into the column:
This affects the dayofyear field because it uses a formula to grab todaysdate and conclude what day of the year it is.
What can I do to resolve this?
Best answer by SamB
Hey @cyberion1985, welcome to the Community!
What timezone are you using in Airtable? Since the UK has recently moved forward an hour and it ran at 00:00:45 I’m wondering whether there’s a mismatch between the timezones and so it took an hour off it which pushed it back into the previous day.
Can you take a look in Airtable and confirm whether the timezone settings there match the timezone settings within the Zap and your profile settings? And update them to match if they’re different.
Also, to confirm whether an hour was indeed removed, can you try changing the settings for that todaysdate field in Airtable temporarily so you can see what time it received, not just the date.
Eager to get to the bottom of this so please let us know what you find!
What timezone are you using in Airtable? Since the UK has recently moved forward an hour and it ran at 00:00:45 I’m wondering whether there’s a mismatch between the timezones and so it took an hour off it which pushed it back into the previous day.
Can you take a look in Airtable and confirm whether the timezone settings there match the timezone settings within the Zap and your profile settings? And update them to match if they’re different.
Also, to confirm whether an hour was indeed removed, can you try changing the settings for that todaysdate field in Airtable temporarily so you can see what time it received, not just the date.
Eager to get to the bottom of this so please let us know what you find!
Thank you, and thanks for getting back to me so soon.
I had a similar thought and now pushed the Zap to start its business at 08:00 instead. I also updated my timezone because I am running something else that runs on GMT+2, and I want everything to be timely aligned.
Thanks again, and we’ll surely know tomorrow morning at around 8:00 if everything worked out well! Everything points to a timezone issue, so changing these items will surely be enough.
The system ran this morning, and the dayofyear was retrieved successfully. The only issue is now that I changed my time-zone to my actual time-zone, the system was scheduled to run at midnight (seems I didn’t save my draft), but it ran at 02:00.
What I will do is I will simply change the timezone back to default and then have the zap run at 08:00 and save it this time.