I’m suddenly getting an error when trying to troubleshoot my zap. It was working before, but suddenly is not working anymore. No changes were made to the zapier bot in Discord, or the zap itself. Getting this error:
Failed to create a channel message in Discord
ResponseError: {"status":403,"headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"content":"{\"message\": \"Missing Permissions\", \"code\": 50013}","request":{"url":"https://discordapp.com/api/v9/channels/937780808855478283/webhooks"}}
I’ve tried creating a fresh zap, using fresh credentials/authentication. I’ve made sure that the bot has adequate permissions in my Discord server and in the channel it’s posting to. The RSS feed I’m trying to connect to is public: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/plugins/custom/microsoft/o365/custom-blog-rss?tid=-8238675518584296925&board=CoreInfrastructureandSecurityBlog&label=&messages=&size=10