Good night, don't notice the GOOGLE TRANSLATOR: D I created a zap using the Organization Matching Filter, but Zap only activates once for each Organization. Is there a way to circumvent this limitation?
Have Pipedrive automate a yes/no update field, use updated organization in Zapier, and filter only update = yes. Then turn it back off.
Answer from Zapier: Currently, the simplest way to reset what the Zap considers to be "new" information is to turn it off and on again. That can help overcome cases where deduplication is preventing the Zap from triggering. The simplest way to reset a Zap automatically would be with the "Zapier Manager" integration:
I have the 100% same issue. I have an organization in my filter, my Zap can load the data in the editor, but when I run it: “We couldn't find any new organizations.”
Have Pipedrive automate a yes/no update field, use updated organization in Zapier, and filter only update = yes. Then turn it back off.
Answer from Zapier: Currently, the simplest way to reset what the Zap considers to be "new" information is to turn it off and on again. That can help overcome cases where deduplication is preventing the Zap from triggering. The simplest way to reset a Zap automatically would be with the "Zapier Manager" integration: