I am using Investment Dominator (a real estate CRM tool) and Slybroadcast (tool to send out voice messages).
The idea is to send our clients an automated message, after the due date is reached (they have received an offer). In my CRM tool the trigger event is that I update the record to offer sent status, but the action (send message via Slybroadcast) should not happen immediately. It should only happen, once the due date is reached.
The Zap works well without this condition but I was not able to setup the ZAP in the way, that the action should only be triggered once the due date is reached.
My thinking was to add a filter function: Only Continue If… and then insert the due date into the first cell and use also the “date/time” feature but that doesn’t work. In that case it seems I need to add manually a target date in the last field. Then it works, but actually I want that this should happen automatically. The ZAP should automatically recognize once the date is reached and execute the action.

Is there any workaround / app / function to realize that?