Hello !
I am trying a lot of things since 3 hours but nothing is working good.
This is what I want : When I achieved an task on Google Tasks, this task need to change statue to “done” in ClickUp.
You need to know already have a zap where when I create a task, the same task is automatically created in Clickup.
My problem is I can’t find the good task. I need to find the task in Clickup that I have achieved in Google Tasks, then I will update this task. This is just find this task I don’t arrive.
I try with the "Find task by ID" or "Find task by Custom filed" but nothing is working.
All time I have this error : Failed to find a task in ClickUp The app returned "Team not authorized".
I don’t have this error just one time when i do that :

But at this time, this don’t take the good task.
Please help me.