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"The app returned: Domain policy has disabled third-party drive" GSheets Error

  • November 4, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi @Danvers ,

I am facing the same issue when I’m tyring to use my Google Sheets in a Zap.
I haven’t changed my password (my google account was created a week ago, I’ve set up all my apps from scratch). 

Do you have any recommendations how to solve it?

Thank you!



Screenshot 1:
Fist, I got the “account expired, reconnect here” error, I tried reconnecting, but It didn’t work.

Screenshot 2:
I tested the connection under my apps: it returned an error

Screenshot 3:
Logging in a few days later I saw this message “The app returned: Domain policy has disabled third-party drive”.
After trying to set up the zap and connect again, I didn’t see this message any more




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  • Zapier Staff
  • 2653 replies
  • November 7, 2022

Hey there, @fanni! Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry to hear you’re running into this error. 😔

I hope you don’t mind but I split this into a new topic since it’s related to a different app and a different error message.

I did some digging though and we usually see this error when the Google Drive where this sheet is stored has settings preventing third party apps (like Zapier) from working. 

While we don’t have the ability to see into this this Google help article reviews how you can change the auth on your end:

I hope this helps and keep us posted! 
