I’m using a Zap to pull data from registrations on Wild Apricot to a Google sheet. I want the field values for checklist questions to be delimited by pipes rather than commas. Is that possible? Here’s an example of the data that’s coming in:
Staying true to IASC roots: environmental commons in a changing world,Climate Change, Resilience, and the Commons,The Nonprofit Sector and the Commons,Knowledge Commons,Methodological Approaches and Computational Institutional Science,Indigenous commons,Commoning the Commons - Integrating Knowledge and Practice,Open call and emerging approaches
And here’s what I want it to look like (note that some of the field values have commas in them and those need to be preserved):
Staying true to IASC roots: environmental commons in a changing world|Climate Change, Resilience, and the Commons|The Nonprofit Sector and the Commons|Knowledge Commons|Methodological Approaches and Computational Institutional Science|Indigenous commons|Commoning the Commons - Integrating Knowledge and Practice|Open call and emerging approaches