I have a zap that calls on a sub-zap. Halfway through the sub-zap, I need to branch off if there is an undesired output from a ChatGPT step and notify myself to retry the zap. And I want the zap to terminate there.

This is basically simulating an error message, but because an undesirable output from ChatGPT isn’t considered an error by Zapier, I’ve set up a path to deal with this.
The thing is, the path occurs within a sub-zap. If my sub-zap branches off and sends me an email and ends, my main zap would still be waiting for a response from the sub-zap (as it would normally if the sub-zap had continued down the main path).
Would not hearing back from my sub-zap result in an error (I have autoreplay zaps turned on and would hate to burn through tasks while the main zap is constantly waiting).