I’ve just upgraded my yearly subscription so I can use paths. But they seem to behave different then expected.
What I want to achieve:
Step 1: run every month
Step 2: get a list of orders from woocommerce (API call)
Step 3: depending on the month, store a unique ID (which is a variation ID from one a product in woocommerce) Example:
January → 123
February → 124
… and so on
Step 4: Loop the woocommerce orders (from step 2)
Step 5: Only continue if ID = the stored ID (stored at step 3)
Step 6: subscribe the specific woocommerce customer into a webinar series
I manage to achieve all the steps individually, but I can’t seem to be able to put them into one big ZAP. It seems that after a path, I can’t add any other steps?
I only see 2 possible solutions:
1) Add step 4, 5 and 6 to each path-action (which means, 12 times in total, no duplicate option and when I want to change something, I need to apply it 12 times)
2) I wanted to create a sub-zap which stored the unique ID’s depending on the month. But apparently you can’t use Paths in a sub-zap.
Anyone out here who can help me with this? If not I’ll have to contact zapier to ask for a refund :-P
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: somehow I suddently can create a sub-zap containing a path and I don’t get an error. So i’ll try this tomorrow. If someone got a better idea: feel free to share it anyway