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Parse Email Reply / Extract last message only

I'm looking at parsing out just the most recent reply/message from an email thread as part of a zap.

I've found this link but how to I use it within a Zap?

i.e. when I pick up a thread from gmail how do I just extract the most recent message?

Is this possible in Code by Zapier and if so how?



Yes that is fine, I will email you in the morning.

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Zapier wrote:

Our support team just commented on your open Ticket: "Hi Royce, can we chat in the morning about your question?"

Ouput: i.e. the parsed email:

Yes that is fine, I will email you in the morning.

Best answer by ikbelkirasan

@Liz_Roberts - Thanks for the mention! I’ll try and help :)

@taylornd Try using the code snippet from this gist to extract the reply fragment.


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  • Zapier Staff
  • 1366 replies
  • June 2, 2020

Hi @taylornd ,

Thanks for reaching out! I’m tagging in one of our code gurus @ikbelkirasan to see if they may have a suggestion for you here. 

@ikbelkirasan thank you for any guidance you may be able to share!

  • Zapier Expert
  • 555 replies
  • Answer
  • June 6, 2020

@Liz_Roberts - Thanks for the mention! I’ll try and help :)

@taylornd Try using the code snippet from this gist to extract the reply fragment.


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 8, 2020

Brilliant. Thanks.

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 8, 2020

I had a go at adapting this which seemed to work as well.

    email_reply_parser is a python library port of GitHub's Email Reply Parser.

    For more information, visit

import re

class EmailReplyParser(object):
    """ Represents a email message that is parsed.

    def read(text):
        """ Factory method that splits email into list of fragments

            text - A string email body

            Returns an EmailMessage instance
        return EmailMessage(text).read()

    def parse_reply(text):
        """ Provides the reply portion of email.

            text - A string email body

            Returns reply body message

class EmailMessage(object):
    """ An email message represents a parsed email body.

    SIG_REGEX = re.compile(r'(--|__|-\w)|(^Sent from my (\w+\s*))')
    QUOTE_HDR_REGEX = re.compile('On.*wrote:$')
    QUOTED_REGEX = re.compile(r'(>+)')
    HEADER_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\*?(From|Sent|To|Subject):\*? .+')
    _MULTI_QUOTE_HDR_REGEX = r'(?!On.*On\s.+?wrote:)(On\s(.+?)wrote:)'

    def __init__(self, text):
        self.fragments = []
        self.fragment = None
        self.text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        self.found_visible = False

    def read(self):
        """ Creates new fragment for each line
            and labels as a signature, quote, or hidden.

            Returns EmailMessage instance

        self.found_visible = False

        is_multi_quote_header =
        if is_multi_quote_header:
            self.text = self.MULTI_QUOTE_HDR_REGEX.sub(is_multi_quote_header.groups()[0].replace('\n', ''), self.text)

        # Fix any outlook style replies, with the reply immediately above the signature boundary line
        #   See email_2_2.txt for an example
        self.text = re.sub('([^\n])(?=\n ?[_-])', '\\1\n', self.text, re.MULTILINE)

        self.lines = self.text.split('\n')

        for line in self.lines:



        return self

    def reply(self):
        """ Captures reply message within email
        reply = []
        for f in self.fragments:
            if not (f.hidden or f.quoted):
        return '\n'.join(reply)

    def _scan_line(self, line):
        """ Reviews each line in email message and determines fragment type

            line - a row of text from an email message
        is_quote_header = self.QUOTE_HDR_REGEX.match(line) is not None
        is_quoted = self.QUOTED_REGEX.match(line) is not None
        is_header = is_quote_header or self.HEADER_REGEX.match(line) is not None

        if self.fragment and len(line.strip()) == 0:
            if self.SIG_REGEX.match(self.fragment.lines[-1].strip()):
                self.fragment.signature = True

        if self.fragment \
                and ((self.fragment.headers == is_header and self.fragment.quoted == is_quoted) or
                         (self.fragment.quoted and (is_quote_header or len(line.strip()) == 0))):

            self.fragment = Fragment(is_quoted, line, headers=is_header)

    def quote_header(self, line):
        """ Determines whether line is part of a quoted area

            line - a row of the email message

            Returns True or False
        return self.QUOTE_HDR_REGEX.match(line[::-1]) is not None

    def _finish_fragment(self):
        """ Creates fragment

        if self.fragment:
            if self.fragment.headers:
                # Regardless of what's been seen to this point, if we encounter a headers fragment,
                # all the previous fragments should be marked hidden and found_visible set to False.
                self.found_visible = False
                for f in self.fragments:
                    f.hidden = True
            if not self.found_visible:
                if self.fragment.quoted \
                        or self.fragment.headers \
                        or self.fragment.signature \
                        or (len(self.fragment.content.strip()) == 0):

                    self.fragment.hidden = True
                    self.found_visible = True
        self.fragment = None

class Fragment(object):
    """ A Fragment is a part of
        an Email Message, labeling each part.

    def __init__(self, quoted, first_line, headers=False):
        self.signature = False
        self.headers = headers
        self.hidden = False
        self.quoted = quoted
        self._content = None
        self.lines = [first_line]

    def finish(self):
        """ Creates block of content with lines
            belonging to fragment.
        self._content = '\n'.join(self.lines)
        self.lines = None

    def content(self):
        return self._content.strip()
return {'emailstring': EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(input_data['body'])}