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What is the point of ZAP Reruns when you can't run the whole ZAP from the begining? How to do a proper rerun

  • April 21, 2023
  • 1 reply


It is extremely disheartening and misleading that Zappier can’t run failed ZAPS from the initial step to the last step. 

What is the point of the half baked ‘ I will only run the failed step’ approach?

If the failed step is due to some erroneous data passed from the earlier step ( which ran without an issue. But the data on the table was wrong)  there is no point of running the failed step again and again. 

I fixed the data on the eariler step but it wont pass to the new one now because Zappier doesn't run the whole Zap. 

The failed Zap is attempting to rerun again with the old data that was wrong.

What is the point of this? 

And no, I can’t recreate the trigger. There is no way to do that. 

If any of the devs are ever looking at this community posts, please fix this.


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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 7733 replies
  • April 21, 2023

Thanks for reaching out about this @ZapUser0001!

That’s totally valid, the wording could certainly be improved to make it clear that it’s only the failed actions that would be replayed, not the ones that previously ran successfully. I’ve gone ahead and shared your comments here with the Product team. I can’t make any promises as to when/if the wording would get improved but they do review all suggestions and take them into consideration.

In the meantime, you could potentially add the data that was fixed into a spreadsheet and trigger another Zap from that. To do that: 

  • First, you’d need to make spreadsheet in an app like Google Sheets for example. More on how best to set that up here: Work with Google Sheets in Zaps
  • Once that’s done, duplicate your existing Zap, but change the trigger to be Google Sheets and use its New Spreadsheet Row trigger event.
  • Then you’d set up that trigger to look for new rows in the spreadsheet that you’re going to add the corrected data into.
  • Next, you’ll need to update any action steps that were taking information from the step that supplied the incorrect information.
  • Finally, turn on the Zap and add a new row to that spreadsheet that contains the information from the table that’s now correct. 

It’s not an ideal solution I know but that would at least give you a way re-run actions for situations like this in the future. Until there’s a way in Zapier to replay an entire Zap run from the beginning or at least allow you to edit the information that is use on a replay of a failed Zap run.

Hope that helps! 🤞
