[New Integration] KV Store: Custom Storage app with instant triggers support!

  • 5 January 2021
  • 7 replies
[New Integration] KV Store: Custom Storage app with instant triggers support!
Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hello everyone,

Back with another integration. This time inspired by this question and since this feature isn’t supported by the built-in Storage app, I decided to make a custom one.

Introducing KV Store, a custom Storage integration that uses the Zapier Storage REST API behind the scenes and supports an instant trigger for when a value is created or updated!

Currently, it only supports the following triggers and actions but I will be adding more in the future.


  • New or Updated Value



  • Set Value


Invite link: https://zapier.com/developer/public-invite/124310/02e450e492d94e83e4480ba74499384d/ 


ZAPIER SAYS: This is an invite-only integration, created by a dedicated member of the Zapier Community. It is not publicly available, nor is it created by Zapier directly. Any questions/suggestions should be addressed to the creator, as they would be the best person to act on the feedback 🙂 Thanks@ikbelkirasan for your hard work and for sharing with the community!

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Fantastic stuff! :grinning:

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Thanks Andrew :D

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

@ikbelkirasan Wow, another one! Pretty soon we’re going to need a category in Community just for custom-built integrations :yum:

When I saw KV Store I immediately thought of kvCORE and figured it might be related, but upon reading the details I realize it’s not. What’s the significance behind KV, out of curiosity?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@nicksimard Haha yeah, I will keep adding more custom integrations until I run out of ideas so a dedicated category for custom integrations would make sense!

Also, the KV in KV Store stands for Key-Value :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

@ikbelkirasan Ah, that makes sense! Thanks for clarifying :)

Hi need help? No my business? Please 🙏

Nigeria is not a good? For me? Please assist me out 🙏




@ikbelkirasan this is EXACTLY what I have needed. Storing a value in one Zap and recalling it in another. I am running into some issues where the data is not recallable when using as a trigger. That is, even thought my “Set Value” usage of KV Store passes the Zap tests, once I go to find test records in a new Zap with the tirgger, only the original foo/bar data is there.


Any thoughts from you or the community?
