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I’m trying to build a new Zap in Zoom.

I need a Zap to be created every time a new participant signs up for a Zoom MEETING. The only Zap option is get is for a new WEBINAR and I get an error message why I try to use webinar because my account is not set up for webinar’s, only meetings. 

Goal - when a new participant registers for one of my Zoom MEETINGS I need it to trigger my mailshake (already connected in Zapier) to add that participants information to a mailshake campaign. 

See below in creating my Zap

  1. Zoom

Choose Trigger Event (required)
Search & Select …

  • New Meeting- Triggers when a new Meeting or Webinar is created.
  • New Recording- Triggers when a new Recording is completed for a Meeting or Webinar.
  • New Registrant - Triggers when a new registrant is added to a Webinar.

Those are the only options I have with Zoom. 

I need an option that says - New Registrant - Triggers when a new registrant is added to a MEETING 

Can anyone help?

Hey there - I’ve been investigating similar integrations and ended up upgrading my Zoom account to see what the Webinar setup would look like. You may find that it is still possible to go from a Zoom Meeting registration to Mailshake without upgrading your Zoom subscription by first creating a super simple webhook app for yourself within the Zoom platform, subscribing just to the “meeting registration has been created” triggers on the Zoom platform and listening for those events as the first step in your test Zap on this platform that you can then bring into Mailshake using a second step of that same Zap.


It probably sounds a bit more complicated than it is.

You basically head over to:

Choose the “Webhook only” option and fill in the details (it’ll just be running for yourself so you can breeze through that Information section).

In the “Feature” section of your Zoom webhook under the Event Subscription section you want it to notify you for “Meeting registration has been created” triggers and it’ll give you a spot where you can place the Zapier webhook listener URL later so you can keep that tab open in your browser. On the Zapier side you can create a new test Zap with the first step including a “Webhook by Zapier” and choose the “Catch Hook” trigger. The next step there will give you the Custom Webhook URL that Zapier will be listening on that you can plug into your new Zoom webhook generator. From there you should be able to listen for a new meeting registration events, pull in the sample fields while you are testing and start mapping them to mailshake.


Hope that helps and good luck!

Thanks @johnny dollar I tried to create a webhook but it appears as though Zoom thinks I’m connecting an app?? I’m reading this page and just getting more and more confused. 

I think I will just use the zoom CRM and downloand an excel file after the meeting is over. This is way too much work for one simple task. If Zoom is not allowing this trigger in the hopes that everyone will just upgrade their account, that’s messed up. I’m certain if they can trigger when someone signs up for a webinar they certainly should be able to have the same trigger for a meeting. 

I’m so upset. I’ve been working on this for 5 hours! I’m just over it. 

@urgolden  - sure, that’s completely understandable. Certainly this stuff isn’t worth getting frustrated with if the manual steps aren’t onerous. I agree the documentation on the Zoom side is a bit difficult to parse and they make it sound super complicated but then don’t walk you through the steps like Zapier does.

My company is trying to pivot from in-person event registration to webinars quickly and we were coming from the lighter weight Crowdcast video streaming / webcast platform that had a bunch more available triggers on Zapier so it was surprising that a huge company like Zoom would have fewer.

If you’d like to come back to this and need more of a step-by-step walk-through of the Zoom webook creation steps and then the Zapier side to receive them I’d be happy to go into more detail since I’ll probably be writing our internal documentation for this pretty soon anyway :sweat_smile:

I am looking for the same solution as I want to trigger when a new meeting registration happens as well.

My point of upgrading to was to get the registration option and drop using Evenbrite to capture the info. Seems I’ll have to parse the meeting report as well there isn’t a live option.

@urgolden I went through the steps and was confused as well, until I realized @johnny dollar meant to say copy the “Custom Webhook URL” and paste it into the Zoom “Event notification endpoint URL” section then hit save.

  1. partially create the Zoom app
  2. partially create the Catch Hook
  3. copy Custom Webhook URL into the Zoom app field for “Event notification endpoint URL”
  4. have another window open with your Zoom registration and prepopulate the fields
  5. go back to the Zap and click TEST
  6. quickly go back to the Zoom registration information and submit
  7. the Zap will capture the payload package and then allow you to complete the rest, and in my case the AC portion needed to match up to the fields.

I hope this helps you out to set it up.

However, I agree that there should be a simple Zap that does meeting registration → email list and paying $20/month just for this might not be a cost effective solution if I just have Activecampaign import a CSV report after the meeting is done.

Hi there, I’m having a similar issue - trying to add new Zoom MEETING Registrants to my Mailchimp audience, but it’s only providing me with zoom WEBINAR options…


Any updates on this?


please & thank you! :)


@Winston’s workaround detailed above is the way to get this done.

Hey everyone! I’ve published the workaround I came up with, to trigger Zaps on new meeting registrants. There are some caveats and this is just ONE way to do it. There are other ways, like the webhooks option mentioned above.

Check it out: