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Hi there guys,


So I’m working with this business generating leads and they’ve given me admin access to their Zoho CRM.


I am trying to trigger a message sent to me when an appointment is booked that matches my lead source.


It is working, but for some reason I am sent 3 messages for each actual lead. Any idea what could be happening?

Uploads are of the task being completed successfully (all from same lead) and the zap that I have setup


Hi @Jacob!


There could be a couple of things at play here, you’ll need to dig into the task history to see what’s happening. 


The first possible cause is that Zap received the same (or similar) data from Zoho 3 times. This can sometimes happen if a contact is added and then updated in quick succession. If you look at the Data In for each of the tasks, are they identical or is there a subtle different between them? If there’s a difference then this is the most likely cause. 


If the Data in on the trigger is the same for all of tasks, then the next thing to check is the filter step. Take a look at the step in the task history - is it working the way that you expected (ie filtering the things that you don’t want going through)? 


I hope that helps!