I’ve recently got onto the Zapier platform and would like to find ways to better optimise my company’s workflow but I’m running into some difficulties with regards to how best to achieve what I’m looking to do.
I’d greatly appreciate if someone might be able to guide or give me some advice on accomplishing it.
Objective: To use Asana as a platform to track new & open tickets and their latest comments while moving the tasks to specified board categories within Asana and being able to remove the task from Asana when a ticket is Closed.
Usage: For SDMs to have a quick view of all open tickets and identify those that requires their action and those that does not.
- Ticket is opened in Zendesk > Creates a new task in Asana
- Ticket is updated in Zendesk within the past 6 hours > Moves the task to “Recently Updated” category in Asana
- Ticket is escalated in Zendesk > Moves task to “Action Required” category in Asana
- Ticket is solved in Zendesk > Moves task to “Solved” Category in Asana
- Ticket is closed in Zendesk > Deletes task from the board
I’m open to using Slack as well if it allows me to accomplish this easier
Thanks in advance!