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Zapier with WooCommerce for free?

  • 15 July 2022
  • 1 reply



I will connect Woocommerce with Zapier, on Zapier is 1 plan for free, but if I will connect Zapier, the programm tell me I must isntall Woocommerce WooCommerce Zapier for 59 Dollar?

Hey @IKARL! WooCommerce requires a separate extension on their end to be able to use Zapier: 

We don’t charge folks for connecting their apps to Zapier (unless you are using a Premium app, which does require a paid plan) but sometimes, app partners choose to bill their customers to allow them to use additional functionality on their platform. 

If you have any other questions around WooCommerce’s extension/pricing, I’d suggest reaching out to the WooCommerce team directly as they will have the most context. 🙂
