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Is there a way to set up a zap so that when a customer pays an invoice, they get sent the VAT invoice? We have members who are in a monthly recurring subscription. We want them to receive their invoices every month without us having to do it manually. BUT it’s only for a select number of people. So we want to say, for example: 

When Janet Smith pays her monthly subscription, send her a VAT invoice.
When Sarah Jones pays her monthly subscription, send her a VAT invoice.

Hi @idh 

Check out the available triggers/actions/searches for each app.




TIP: You’d likely need to include a Filter step in the Zap as well:


Hi @idh,

That is possible, and here’s how you need to set this up:

  1. Trigger: Use Stripe > New Event > Subscription payment to set up an automation that will trigger when someone pays for a subscription
  2. Action: Use Xero > Sales Invoice to create an invoice from the subscription amount and description. You can specify which tax/VAT rate to apply there.