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We cannot get a consistent zap when trying to create a new contact in Zoho from a new contact that has been entered into Outlook.  It will work for one zap and then, shut off even if all the data is available I receive: 


Unable to create entry in module: Contacts. Error : Invalid data for the field id. Detail : expected_data_type bigint, parent_api_name Account_Name


Please post screenshots of how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.

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Just wanted to follow up here to add that it looks like Zoho CRM is expecting a number (as it says “expected_data_type bigint”) rather than text in the Account Name field:

This suggests that the ID number for the Account would need to be supplied, rather than the name of the account itself. This is often the case when a Custom value is selected for a dropdown field.

If the previous steps in the Zap aren’t able to supply the account’s ID number, then you would want to add a Find Module Entry Zoho CRM action to locate the account by it’s name. That search action should then output the ID for the account that it finds.

You can then select the ID number output by the search step (using the custom value option) in the Account Name field on the Create/Update Module Entry step.

More information about how to use search steps and custom values can be found here: