I have 2 tables with the key field being TransactionID.
One table shows all line items in our transactions. I’ll call this table “Transaction List with Unassigned Owner”. Several line items may have the same transaction ID if they all happened at the same time… these are purchases at a register.
The second table just shows the unique values. We will call this table “Unique TransactionID”. There may be dozens of lines with the same transactionID in the first table, but only one line in the 2nd table.
In both tables, I have a field akin to “Transaction Owner”. When someone assigns an owner to a unique transaction ID in the 1st table, I would like to update “Transaction Owner” for all rows that have the same transaction ID as the one just updated.
I can’t seem to figure this out without it accomplishing a 1:1 record update. RecordID is required, but I want multiple records to be updated.