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I have a Zapier Table (the main table) and I can create “view” of that table by applying a filter to the main table.  This gives me a second table which contains some of the data of the main table.  


However, I want to apply multiple filters to the same column (field).  For example, I have a field (column in the table) that contains the names of colors.  I want to create a view (sub table) that contains that records the have the colors blue , red and yellow in the field only.  But I cannot do that because there is no OR statement to the filters.  In other words, I want the sub-table to show me the records that contain blue OR red OR yellow in that column NOT blue AND red AND yellow. 

Where is the OR function to filtering?    

Amy I missing something here?




Hi @blueguy 

Use this Field Option: is one of

That acts as an OR statement.




I am going to start calling you “Wintergreen” as you are a lifesaver.  I greatly appreciate the help and immediate response.


As always, I did the usual search in the help files and community; this one was not inuitive.


My interest in tables is that I typically go from JotForm to Googlesheets and then all my Zaps, but the sheets are getting cumbersome -- too much data that requires maintenance; the tables should be a workable solution….

Thanks again for the help



I do have one more question.  


I note that you can create a Zap from a Table.  For example, a new record in a table triggers a ZAP to run.  This is really no different than a Google Sheet.  This is pretty straightforward.

HOWEVER, I note that you cannot trigger a ZAP from a view (or a sub table).  Why is that?  That would really be helpful to filter the fields from the Main Table to get a View and then be able to trigger your Zap from the View table.  

Am I missing something here?  What is the point of a View Sub-table if I cannot automate it?  I don’t want to stare at the thing...:)




Zapier hasn’t built the functionality yet to trigger a Zap from a View in Zapier Tables.

You can trigger a Zap from a View using Airtable:


So if I just spent the last 3 days learning and playing with tables, how similar is Airtable?  I assume pretty similar and something I can learn quickly.

So this is what I think the issue with Tables will be especially if you CANNOT trigger ZAPs from a View (sub-table).  It is going to increase ones use of ZAPS exponentially.  Let me explain.


Right now I collect data through JotForms and export that to Google Sheets; so within my main Google Sheet, I have several different tabs, which are basically just subsets or views of the Main Sheet in tab 1.  Each tab is filtered (like a view) and the ZAPS that are attached to each tab will only trigger when new data appears in that spreadsheet with the tab.  It is done this way to keep my ZAPS simple and manageable so I can fix them when they break.  Plus they don’t have to trigger every time there is a new row in the Main Sheet.


With Tables, I will have to trigger every single ZAP attached to this data every time there is a new row added to the Main Table.  Now the second step in those ZAPS would be a filter step so only the right ZAPS will run.  But I could conceive that my Zap usage will go up about 3-4 times because each data set I use typically has 3-4 ZAP processes tied to each.  Of course, the other option is make my ZAPs bigger by rolling all 3-4 of ZAPS into one big ZAP with more PATHs


This is bit of an issue in my opinion.  Once again, we want to automate data not view it.  So I wonder what is the purpose of just creating a table so I can view it!


Thanks again Troy; I hope you understand my concern and point.





Best to share your feedback and feature requests via a ticket to Zapier Support for it to be properly logged and shared with the Zapier Tables team:


Airtable is a more robust version of Zapier Tables, as Zapier Tables is still a pretty new product that is still being developed.


okay...thanks again!!

I did put a request into support and I linked to this conversation here in the Community

It would be a nice feature

