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Zapier not passing on initial zap, but working on retest

Hey there,


Has anyone ever run into an issue where the data isn't passing from one source to another on the first trigger, but when you retest through zapier, it works?

I’m trying to pass information from Bubble to Hubspot and for some reason the information isn’t being passed through. 

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15 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @jefromwf 

Good question.

Best place to troubleshoot is the Zap Runs:

  • Check the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step.
  • Did the Zap trigger?
  • Did a Zap step have an error?


Hey @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks for responding.

I’m looking through the Zap Runs.

This is an example of a zap on the initial zap:

Data OUT from Step 1


Data IN from Step 2


Data OUT from Step 2: I’m not seeing anything representing these fields. Only Email

And running through the Retest in the Zap builder, it updates the users information on my CRM when you retest but doesn’t change anything.

Userlevel 7
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When you see the {{placeholder}} it means the mapped variable was missing/empty/blank/null.


Looks like you’d need to remap you variables from the Zap trigger.

I’ve seen it happen before where the test data variables and the live data variables are different, which can cause this behavior.


Here’s a help article about how to change your trigger tests data to configure the Zap:

@Troy Tessalone oh that’s what those are. 

i remapped the variables. i also checked the field types in hubspot to make sure they’re matching and still experiencing the same issues.

currently, i’m sending text fields from bubble to single line-texts in hubspot.

is there something i’m missing?

Userlevel 7
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Can you post a screenshot with how your Zap steps are configured, along with the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step in the Zap Editor (not the Zap Runs).

@Troy Tessalone 

Sure thing.


Step 1:


Step 2:




First name



Last name


How can we help  


Data OUT


First name

Last name




Userlevel 7
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This should explain the issue and how to resolve…



Variables from Zap Editor

Notice these include “Text” as part of the Label name


Variables from Zap Runs DATA OUT trigger step



Reference this help article:


You’ll need to manually remap each variable, and when doing so, you’ll need to remove the trailing “_text” that’s encoded.

FROM: {{148114479_last_name_text}}

TO: {{148114479_last_name}}

@Troy Tessalone Oh I see! I’m definitely going to try this out!

A noob question:

I read the Help article, but still a little lost.

Would I have to pull every node that I'm needing to change into a Text Editor and then reupload the new fields into Zapier?

I know I have to create custom pill mapping, but I’m not entirely sure where to do that.

Userlevel 7
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Try this:

  1. Copy a pill
  2. Paste the value into the browser bar
  3. Remove the _text
  4. Copy the value from the browser bar
  5. Past the value back in the field (it will turn into a pill again)

The test again.

@Troy Tessalone 

it doesn’t look like that worked either. 


When I added the new pills, the data isn’t being pulled in anymore:


Userlevel 7
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Have you tested after making the pill changes, then checked the Zap Runs for results?

@Troy Tessalone yup. the screenshots above are from the zap runs with the updated pills.

Userlevel 7
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At this point, it’s probably best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for them to help you troubleshoot further since they have backend access to your Zap Runs and Zap trigger data:

Userlevel 7
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One alternative to try with Bubble is to send a webhook with the form data to trigger the Zap instead of using the Bubble Zap app.

The Zap trigger would be Webhook - Catch Hook
