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👋 Hi there, I’m Justin, a principal engineer at Zapier.

I'm working with the Labs team on something I find exciting: trying to figure out how much it’s possible to blur the line between a "user" and a "software engineer." To start to understand that, I'd love to know more about the products that you use (including, but not limited to Zapier), what kinds of problems you've successfully solved due to their flexibility, and where you've gotten stuck because of their limitations. Some examples might be:

  • You created a spreadsheet from scratch and figured out some new formulas along the way. Or maybe you got stuck with a particularly tricky formula.

  • You set up a form and made use of various field types, styling, or rules to make something you really liked. Or maybe you needed a field type that wasn’t supported, or you couldn't make it look or behave the way you wanted.

  • You created a website using some kind of website builder and integrated it with another product like Zapier, with minimal fuss. Or you reached a point where you were told you'd have to write some code, and that was not your idea of fun.

Those are just examples, so don’t feel limited by them. Your problem might involve a shopping cart, customer database, project management, whatever. If a product helped you create a solution to a unique problem, or you hit a wall where the only option was asking the company to change the product, I'd like to chat with you!

If you have time for a 45 minute video call to talk through situations like this, here’s a short form to fill out. If you’re selected, you can schedule a call at a convenient time for you, and you’ll receive a $75 gift card to thank you for your time. (Or $100 if you can spare 60 minutes.)

If you have questions, reply here, and I’ll try to answer as best I can. Thanks!

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