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I am trying to set up an ebook for sale in Kajabi, but I do not want those who purchase to have to create a password and login. According to Kajabi support, there is no way to avoid this on their end to process the purchase. I am wondering if I can use a Zapier integration with a third party payment platform to bypass the prompt to create an account?


(For context, I created the ebook as an offer with no product attached to it. It is set to send the buyer to a thank you landing page post-purchase, and has an automation email set up to deliver the ebook to their email address. The password prompt occurs before sending the buyer to the thank you page.

Also - I am fine with students having to create an account, but if they’re not a student and just bought a PDF workbook, I think it's a terrible user experience to have to create a password, plus then if they return to the PDF resource it reminds them they've previously purchased it and prompts them to "take me there" to access it... at which point it sends them to a course dashboard full of lorem ipsum text. Kajabi claims any offer behaves this way, and there is no way around it on their end.)


Thank you for any advice!!!

Hey there @craimondo! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community! 

Hmm, Zapier works best as a backend tool to automatically transfer data versus one that mimics the interactions of a user with a site (ie: automatically exiting out of a pop-up that appears on the screen or interacting with a prompt).

That being said, I’m super curious to see what the Community has to say about alternative workflows for this!

Hiya @craimondo! I wanted to check-in and see if you were able to get this sorted! It looks like you were chatting with our friends in support and they had some clarifying questions for ya:

It looks like we do have a New Purchase trigger from our Kajabi integration. However, I am not 100% if this would work here. 
Could I confirm if these eBook purchases would come in the Kajabi account even if they don't have an account? Or users can only purchase once they are inside their account?

Keep us posted! 🙂

Hey friends, I wanted to summarize this thread a bit here.

Ultimately, it sounds like this workflow may not be achievable with Zapier. 😔 This is primarily because:

Hmm, Zapier works best as a backend tool to automatically transfer data versus one that mimics the interactions of a user with a site (ie: automatically exiting out of a pop-up that appears on the screen or interacting with a prompt).

That said, if a workaround is achieved, definitely keep us posted! 🤗