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Hi community, 


We use zapier to integrate leads from google ads campaigns to our CRM. We have a few campaigns running at the moment with different zaps for each campaign. 

The final objective is that the leads will go into our CRM propalry, meaning separated for each campaign, ad group and ad. 


Is there a way to use dynamic fields to setup utm's as dynamic parameters values? 

and, can we use the same zap for a few campaigns with dynamic parameters? Is that recommended or should we use a different zap for each campaign?


This is how we use utm’s in the final url, so we need to setup those dynamically in the zaps. 


utm_medium=discovery/video  - 

utm_campign = campaign name

utm_term= ad group name

utm_content= ad name




Hi @bc_team ,

Thanks for reaching out! I see that Leah from Support sent over some follow up questions to better understand your desired workflow. Once you are able to circle back with them, they can get you squared away here :slight_smile:

Please let us know if you have any further questions!

Hi Liz,

I don’t see any replay From Leah

Hi @bc_team - To respond back to Leah, please look in your spam inbox for the message. The following message is from Leah: 

Thanks so much for reaching out! I'm happy to help with this.
Hmm, ok so taking a look at the data coming into the Zap from Google Lead Form, I'm not seeing the URL come through with the UTMs that would allow you to sort on them.

(view larger)

And to double check it sounds like you'd like to build a workflow like this:

Trigger: New Lead in Google Lead Form Extension
Action: Determine the Source of the Lead
Action: Add to CRM

If that's the case and the URL of the lead can come through in the Zap, I'm sure we can figure out a way to split out each UTM so that it would go into your CRM under the correct category. Paths would probably be your best bet to make that happen!

Can you please let me know if I'm understanding correctly?
