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Zapier displaying "no data" while trying to integrate Google Sheets with Slack

  • 24 March 2022
  • 3 replies

My company uses Delighted by Qualtrics to collect survey responses from clients we work with. I’m currently using the Create Google Sheet rows for new Delighted responses template and everything works fine until I tried to expand the Zap by sending a channel message on Slack using the Google Sheet rows generated from the new responses.

I’m trying to recreate the Delighted Slack integration (photo 1) while adding Slack user group tags + user tags (photo 2) when a new response is added to the Google Sheet.

I manually added 3 additional columns to the Google Sheet & used =ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(VLOOKUP under my header row so every time a new response is added, the CSM name, Slack user group IDs and user IDs will auto-generate based on client. Zapier has no issues pulling the new columns with no data directly from Delighted (photo 3). However, I’m running into the issue of Zapier showing ‘no data’ when I input the ‘CSM Slack ID’ and ‘Slack user group’ fields into the Slack message (photo 4).

Zap structure goes like:

  1. Trigger - New response in Delighted
  2. Action - Create Google Sheet rows for new Delighted responses
  3. Action - Filter (this action is not added yet)
  4. Action - Send Channel Message in Slack

Things I’ve tried:

  1. Double check for empty rows in the sheet and there aren’t any
  2. Refresh fields
  3. Have the ‘Link Usernames and Channel Names?’ set as Yes.

What went wrong? Please help and thank you in advance!

Photo 1 - Delighted Slack integration bot message

Photo 2 - My recreated version of the bot message

Photo 3

Photo 4


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Hellootiffanyyy 

Good question.

After you manually test the GSheet Create Row step, check the returned Row ID against the data you see in the GSheet for that Row ID.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Welcome to the Community, @Hellootiffanyyy

When the spreadsheet is created there hasn’t been a value selected for the CSM Slack ID or Slack user group columns which is why when they are selected in the Slack step you’re seeing “No Data” as there’s no data available for those fields:
You mentioned that those values are added to the Google Sheet after the row is created using an ARRAYFORMULA. So if those values aren’t present in the information that’s output from the Create Spreadsheet Row step when it runs, we’ll need to check back on the spreadsheet to get them after they’ve been added.

To do that you may need to add a Delay For (Delay by Zapier) step to make the Zap wait a minute for those values to have been added. Then follow that up with a Lookup Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) step to look up the row that was added by the Create Spreadsheet Row step to get the missing values. Then in the subsequent Slack step, you can select the Slack ID and user group values from the Lookup Spreadsheet Row step.

Hopefully that’ll help to sort it. 🙂

My company uses Delighted by Qualtrics to collect survey responses from clients we work with. I’m currently using the Create Google Sheet rows for new Delighted responses template and everything works fine until I tried to expand the Zap by sending a channel message on Slack using the Google Sheet rows generated from the new responses.

I’m trying to recreate the Delighted Slack integration (photo 1) while adding Slack user group tags + user tags (photo 2) when a new response is added to the Google Sheet.

I manually added 3 additional columns to the Google Sheet & used =ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(VLOOKUP under my header row so every time a new response is added, the CSM name, Slack user group IDs and user IDs will auto-generate based on client. Zapier has no issues pulling the new columns with no data directly from Delighted (photo 3). However, I’m running into the issue of Zapier showing ‘no data’ when I input the ‘CSM Slack ID’ and ‘Slack user group’ fields into the Slack message (photo 4).

Zap structure goes like:

  1. Trigger - New response in Delighted
  2. Action - Create Google Sheet rows for new Delighted responses
  3. Action - Filter (this action is not added yet)
  4. Action - Send Channel Message in Slack

Things I’ve tried:

  1. Double check for empty rows in the sheet and there aren’t any
  2. Refresh fields
  3. Have the ‘Link Usernames and Channel Names?’ set as Yes.

What went wrong? Please help and thank you in advance!

Photo 1 - Delighted Slack integration bot message

Photo 2 - My recreated version of the bot message

Photo 3

Photo 4


Thank you @SamB ! This helped generate the data for the two criteria. I’ll keep this in mind for future zaps!!