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I made an auto file copying system.

When I receive an email, it makes a specific file copied in Google drive, then post the download link of it on Flow. 

In order to prevent the copied file from piling up in Google drive, it must be removed at some point after some amount of time. So I’m considering to give it some delay(1 day) between Posting and Removing file.


My question is what might happen if another email being sent while the state is in delay state.

Does it make another thread and do parallel tasks?

or does it immediately stop delaying and execute removement process of previous task then start from the beginning?

or does it immediately stop delaying and escape the loop then start from the beginning without finishing the previous task?

if you have any idea, please comment. Thnks.

Hi @sojurider 

Help for Delay:

A Zap Run in a Delay step will stay in the Delay step until it is released.

  • Delay After Queue creates a sequential queue with a buffer between.
    • Multiple Zap Runs can be in the same queue
  • Delay For is simply a delay for N time.
    • Multiple Zap Runs can be in a Delay For step at the same time.