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We are building an automation for a company that sells online courses. The automation works as follows:

  1. New Order in Shopify
  2. Filter if order contains a class
  3. Lookup in a gsheet the first unused course code (we have a sheet of codes, with blanks for student info, we look up the first unused code)
  4. Fill in the remainder of that row on the sheet with the customer information
  5. Update Mailchimp customer record with course code
  6. Fire an event to Mailchimp to begin an email automation

Where we cannot solve is if the customer buys 2 or more of the same course (one for them, one for a friend).

We would want to do the following:

  1. New Order in Shopify
  2. Filter if order contains a class
  3. Lookup in gsheet the first unused code
  4. Add student info to that row
  5. Lookup in gsheet the next unused code and add the same student info to that (repeat for quantity)
  6. Update Mailchimp customer record with course code
  7. Fire an event to Mailchimp to being an email automation

Can someone help with some direction as to how to accomplish this?

Hi @Duncan Scarry 

Try using the Looping app:

Make sure to add a Delay (After Queue) step within the Loop: