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I am trying to set up a Zap which pulls data from Clio into an Excel Spreadsheet which is located in a Business Group OneDrive or Sharepoint online.   I have no issue pulling the data from Clio and can push it into a Google Sheet or an Excel spreadsheet on a personal (not shared) onedrive.  But I don’t seem to find the way to access the group onedrive folders to be able to push there.  Any help appreciated.

Another vote for this capability.

We use Teams extensively and having access to the

<TEAM>/Documents/Folder would be extremely beneficial.

for sure we can work around it by sharing a folder in a personal OneDrive directory but that isn’t optimal.

Hello! I would share a workaround that one of our customers was able to use successfully to get around this limitation, in case it’s helpful for you all.
They used Microsoft's Power Automate's template to copy a shared file to their own account. Here is a screenshot of how they configured the template: 

This copies the file from Sharepoint locally, but does it go the other way?

Hi folks! 👋

Sorry we missed your messages here previously, @Online, @Joseph Esposito and @Syndesus_Stacey! Just popping by with a quick update to confirm that this feature request has been implemented. 😁🎉

In case you missed the recent email notification that went out, here’s what you need to know:

“We have now added support for this, via several new features:

We added a new trigger, New Shared Item, which triggers any time a file or folder is directly shared with you. Please note that this will not fire if a file or folder is only created within a folder that is shared with you. If you wish to trigger on such files and folders, you need to explicitly select the folder you wish to monitor in the trigger via the Folder input field.

For searches and actions, we have added a "Shared Folder" input field to Find Folder, Find File, Create New Text File, Upload File, and Create Folder. Generally, you can only choose one folder, either a folder within your drive (set via the "Folder" input field) or a folder shared with you (set via the "Shared Folder" input field). If you select both, the step will immediately error, as we can only use one at a time.”

Please do give those new trigger and actions a try and get in touch if you run into any issues on that at all. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️


For searches and actions, we have added a "Shared Folder" input field to Find Folder, Find File, Create New Text File, Upload File, and Create Folder...


Hi SamB, 
Thanks for your reply which seems to say we can now create a Spreadsheet or add a row to an Excel sheet in a shared Sharepoint site / team.  Is that correct?  I can’t seem to find this “Shared Folder” input field - which app is it in?  In the Microsoft Excel app I still see the message for Storage Source saying “If Sharepoint is picked, subsequent folders that would be listed are ONLY folders in the default Sharepoint site. Other custom Sharepoint sites are currently not supported.”


This is a much needed feature for me.  Thanks!
