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Zap that copies Hubspot Ticket from Contact to Deal

  • 24 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello, we use Hubspot in our company and we have a form in our website that captures contact information and allows to submit a file. These details are associated to a Contact and we then create Deals from those contacts. How can i create a Zap that copies the uploaded file (that sits under a ticket in hubspot) from Contact to Deal ?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @TFranco!

It’s not currently possible to add an attachment to objects (eg Deals, Contacts) in Hubspot using the Zapier integration, I’m sorry about that. 

We do have a feature request for this and I’ve added you as an interested user, this does two things:

  1. Let’s the Hubspot team know how many users are interested in this feature
  2. We’ll send you an email if/when this feature is added


If any other users are interested in this feature, we’ll update the post below when we have more information: