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I have a zap where a form submission leads to google sheet new row update, which then triggers ‘send an email’ via gmail.  I waited for more than 15 minutes, yet the gmail still doesn’t get triggered. It works fine when I manually trigger it as a test.  What’s happening?

Hi @bloomkr 

Check your Zap Runs history details for activity/errors:


Help articles for using GSheets in Zaps:


Which app is being used for the form?


If you still need help, post screenshots with:

  • how your Zap step are outlined and configured
  • the top 3 rows of your GSheet

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Thanks Troy! I got an email response saying the message failed to send. I am attaching screenshots of the email response, what the history is showing (200 status code), and my zap details.  Thanks, Christi



Reply To field expects an email address value.


Thank you, appreciate it! It works now!